A Love Letter to the NHS on it's 73rd Birthday

nurse wearing a mask

The NHS has been an integral part of my life from the day I was born, through to my chosen career in the nursing field. The beautiful, and perhaps most pertinent part of the NHS is the ability to touch everybody’s lives. From being born, to GP appointments and prescriptions, to accident and emergencies, right through to end of life care. Everybody knows somebody whose lives the NHS has touched, saved or curated care for.

Maria Hinfelaar Rachel Luty 935

Our Vice Chancellor Professore Maria Hinfelaar presenting Rachel with the Ede and Ravenscroft Award for Academic Achievement in Level 4 Undergraduate Studies.

I can honestly say I could not be prouder to be part of such a unique, accessible, magnanimous, and universal health service. It all started on July 5th in 1948, where Aneurin Bevan pioneered a reliable healthcare system that allowed all disparities of class and wealth to access. The NHS was a revolutionary and ground-breaking proposition that took years of hard work and determination. No longer was healthcare an exclusivity. The NHS did not discriminate against one’s societal class or skin colour. It allowed everyone to priorities their health and thus, 73 years later it remains an integral part of what makes the United Kingdom so united.

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Rachel with fellow students Cat Mandangu and Lauren Nesbitt during their first pandemic placement.‌‌

A huge happy birthday to the National Health Service. Thank you for providing me with a job I love, a job I can help people in, a job I can progress in, a job I can continually learn in, a job where I can meet all different facets of society in, a job where I can diversify myself in and most of all, a job that is vital to maintain momentum and appreciation for the fantastic resource that you are.


Written by Rachel Luty, a newly qualified nurse in the third year of Wrexham Glyndŵr University’s BN (Hons) Registered Nurse (Adult) degree.